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J. Diaz Castro, P. Mira , J. Moreno Fernández, I. Chirosa Rios, L.J. Chirosa Rios, R. Guisado-Barrilao and J.J. Ochoa Herrera,  "Ubiquinol supplementation modulates energy metabolism and bone turnover during high 2 intensity exercise", "Food & Function" , vol.11, 7523-7531, 2020
M. Gómez López, J. Courel-Ibáñez and A. Granero-Gallegos,  "Profiles of motivation, fear of failure and anxiety in young handball players: a cross-sectional study", "International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching" , vol.16, 658-669, 2020
A. Pérez Castilla, D. Martínez García, L.J. Chirosa Rios and A. García Ramos,  "Comparison of the bench press one-repetition maximum obtained by different procedures: Direct assessment vs. lifts-to-failure equations vs. two-point method.", "International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching" , vol.15, 337-346, 2020
C. Miranda Fuentes, I.M. Guisado Requena, P. Delgado-Flody, L. Arias-Poblete, A. Pérez Castilla and L.J. Chirosa Rios,  "Reliability of Low-Cost Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in the Determination of Muscular Oxygen Saturation and Hemoglobin Concentration during Rest, Isometric and Dynamic Strength Activity", "International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health" , vol.17, 8824-, 2020
W. Reyes Ferrada, P. Solis Urra and J. Plaza Diaz,  "Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Physical Activity, Sedentary Time and Its Association with the Atherogenic Index of Plasma in Chilean Adults: Influence of the Waist Circumference to Height Ratio", "Nutrients" , vol.12, -, 2020
M. Gómez López and A. Granero-Gallegos,  "Predicción de la inteligencia emocional a través de la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas en las clases de Educación Física", "International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. INFAD. Revista de Psicología" , vol.1, 341-350, 2020
S. Baena Morales, J. López Morales and O. García-Taibo,  "La intervención docente en educación física durante el periodo de cuarentena por COVID-19. ", "Retos: Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación" , vol.39, 388-395, 2020
C. Manchado, J. Tortosa-Martínez, B. Pueo, J.M. Cortell, H. Vila, C. Ferragut, F. Sánchez-Sánchez, S. Busquier, S. Amat and L.J. Chirosa Rios,  "High-Performance Handball Player¿s Time-Motion Analysis by Playing Positions", "International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health" , vol.17, 1-15, 2020

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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