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P.A. Latorre-Roman, L.J. Chirosa Rios and G.M. Abalos-Medina,  "Muscle Quality Index as a Predictor of Hip Osteoarthritis", "Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation" , vol.36, 50-54, 2020
C.G. Fábrica, D. Ferraro, E. Mercado-Palomino, A. Molina Molina and I. Chirosa Rios,  "Differences in Utilization of Lower Limb Muscle Power in Squat Jump With Positive and Negative Load", "Frontiers in Physiology" , vol.11, 1-8, 2020
S. Baena Morales, J. López Morales and O. García-Taibo,  "La intervención docente en educación física durante el periodo de cuarentena por COVID-19. ", "Retos: Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación" , vol.39, 388-395, 2020
M. Gómez López, J. Courel-Ibáñez and A. Granero-Gallegos,  "Profiles of motivation, fear of failure and anxiety in young handball players: a cross-sectional study", "International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching" , vol.16, 658-669, 2020
A. Pérez Castilla, D. Martínez García, L.J. Chirosa Rios and A. García Ramos,  "Influence of grip width and anthropometric characteristics on the bench-press load-velocity relationship.", "International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance" , vol.15, 949-957, 2020
M. Gómez López and A. Granero-Gallegos,  "Predicción de la inteligencia emocional a través de la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas en las clases de Educación Física", "International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. INFAD. Revista de Psicología" , vol.1, 341-350, 2020
P. Delgado-Floody, P.A. Latorre-Roman, D. Jerez Mayorga, F. Caamaño-Navarrete and F. García Pinillos,  "Feasibility of incorporating high-intensity interval training into physical education programs to improve body composition and cardiorespiratory capacity of overweight and obese children: A systematic review.", "Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness" , vol.17, 35-40, 2019
L.J. Chirosa Rios, A. Reyes, P. Delgado-Floy and I.M. Guisado Requena,  "Muscle quality index and isometric strength in older adults with hip osteoarthritis", "PeerJ PrePrints" , vol.7, -, 2019

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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